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Communities Newsletter: March 6, 2010
North-Central Active Adult Communities
Frequent Topretirements' contributor Old Nassau had some excellent additions to last week's community newsletter theme. You can see his post at  Advantages of Renting.
Eve, another member, had this fine suggestion about renting: "What do you think of running a sort of classified section where people who own condos/homes in communities can advertise to rent them out?"
Good news on that one,  the Classified Section in the Topretirements Forum was set up for just that purpose.  So go ahead and start listing your units.
North central Florida, an area we will define as roughly Gainesville to just north of Orlando, is a different part of Florida, one  not without its own advantages. For one, it is not as thickly settled as further south. Prices tend to be lower than on the coasts. And in places old Florida charm can even break out.  Today we focus on this area.
So here we go, a small selection of the many communities in the north-central area of Florida:
This established community near Dunellon is managed by its Community Association. Surrounded by a state forest, it has a very nice golf course, clubs  and crafts, plus non-step activities to keep you busy.  Reasonable prices are a bonus.
If you are looking for a very nice, full-service active adult  community in a great town, you might want to put the Lakes of Mount Dora on your list.
At Terra Vista near Citrus Hills/Hernando the idea is to "perfect the game of life". You can also work on your golf game at 3 championship courses. Just about every amenity is offered. We are proud to welcome Terra Vista as a Top community at Topretirements.
Here is another full service active adult community worth checking out.  Yes it has golf, but you can also enjoy activities like painting, line dancing and aerobics. 
The all new, completely updated 2nd edition is now available in eBook or Kindle. Print version available again on March 11.
Look under Dunellon, Spring Hill, Ocala, Gainesville, Mount Dora,  Orlando, and Leesburg
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